Wednesday, September 09, 2009

why no PLASTIC?

Not bio-degradable: Plastic is food for no one. It never completely breaks down.
Litter: Even when thrown into the way these bags are unsightly, distracting on highways, and clog storm sewer systems.
Can’t recycle: Plastic can only “down-cycle” – making at most one stop on the way to landfill or litter.
Toxic: Plastic particles get into our food and air. Certain types of plastic have been associated with increased incidence of asthma, cancer, or other disorders.
Kills wildlife: Sea turtles and marine mammals ingest plastic bags thinking they’re food.
Choking the ocean: Plastic debris has spread all over our beaches and into the ocean. In a recent surface trawl of the Pacific, six pounds of plastic were found for every pound of zooplankton.

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